Have you had Enough Already??

It’s safe to say, there have been some really sh*tty moments in 2021. Whether you’ve been a victim of harassment yourself or just watched as news stories about abuse in the games industry played out across your feed, it’s been a tough year. When we sat down to write about the state of games and media, the thing that kept floating to the top again and again is that we have had ENOUGH

  • Enough stories of people in high positions abusing their power.
  • Enough with companies turning a blind eye to harassers or actively working against the collective bargaining of their employees.
  • Enough doxxing campaigns and hate raids.

We deserve a world where everyone is safe from harassment and abuse. Where individuals and corporations say ENOUGH and actually make meaningful change in their communities. We are fighting for that future and we need you. 

Can we count on you to help make sure the Hotline not only stays open, but is able to expand? To fully roll out our training program for leaders within the games industry? To keep all of our programs going? 


With your help, we’ll start 2022 strongLet’s break the cycles of abuse together.